This is the first time I have started a blog, so I ask for your patience and encouragement as I move forward into unknown waters.

As you can see by the name, I will be focusing on new ideas, concepts and proposals to bring a creative, innovative and “smart” approach to our growth in Georgetown.  As an Architect, I have always been a supporter of growth in Texas and I think it’s great that Georgetown has significantly benefited from that growth.

My parents moved to Georgetown (Old Town) back in 1988 when the population was in the teens.  I remember how Mom and Dad enjoyed and supported businesses on the Square and Southwestern University.

When Austin started to grow north back in the 90’s, Round Rock and Pflugerville began to aggressively attract all the businesses they could.  I remember visiting Mom & Dad and talking about how Georgetown was “smart” and more selective in the growth they supported…which I strongly feel helped protect the historic character and uniqueness that we all enjoy today.  I find it interesting that Round Rock is now spending millions of dollars around their downtown area…trying to re-create their sense of history and character.  I wish them luck.

Over the last 8 years, I have worked with neighbors, property owners and developers on various developments around town.  In some cases, I have disagreed with the way some the growth has been proposed.  In most cases, we have been able to work together and find a reasonable balance in what was ultimately proposed.  Over the last year, I have been asked to help 5 HOA’s west of Interstate 35 on planning and zoning issues that could negatively impact their established neighborhoods.

As some of y’all know, I have also been very active speaking at various City Council, HARC and Planning & Zoning meetings.  Sometimes, I have discussed specific projects being proposed and other times about the City’s transportation challenges, like the next generation of Georgetown’s GoGeo bus system…which will be a future post.

During those meetings, I have always tried to add value to these civic discussions in a professional and respectful manner, which will be the way I will write my posts in this blog.  Over my career, I have realized that not everyone agrees with all positions all the time.  I find it curious, but it’s never been a problem for me.

I will be the Editor of Smart Growth: Georgetown blog and will be personally writing most of the posts.  From time to time, I will invite others to be Contributors and write guest posts.  I will also welcome all comments from my readers, though I will not be posting comments…I just don’t have the time to manage that process.

As I mentioned, I have never written a blog before, though I have authored 2 national columns, which I really enjoyed.  The biggest difference I see between writing this blog versus writing my national columns will be the lack of an outside editor that always reviewed and commented on my column.

I bring that up, because I will be having to write, proof and edit this blog myself, so please give me a little slack at times.  I will certainly be making typo and grammatical errors.  Researching blogs, I came across a very interesting way a blog author asked forgiveness for making grammar mistakes…”This is my one and only apology if I blow a grammar gasket or say ‘pubic health’ instead of “public health” as I once managed to do without my spell checker catching me.”

Thanks & I look forward to getting started!
