Month: June 2020

Georgetown’s April Sales Tax Revenues Are In…

Dollar BillsToday, I saw that the Texas Comptroller had the numbers out for Georgetown’s April Sales Tax Revenues. We did better than I was expecting, which is great news.

The Comptroller shows that Georgetown received $2,355,640 in sales tax revenues for April. I have also calculated the Year over Year (YOY) comparisons between FY2019 (FY19) April numbers and FY2020 (FY20) April numbers. The YOY comparisons can be a little tricky though. Certainly Georgetown has grown significantly over last year in population and the number of stores and businesses that support our population.

If you just compared FY19 sales tax revenues with FY20 revenues, you wouldn’t reflect the growth we have had this year. So is that a truly accurate way to compare YOY sales tax revenues for Georgetown?

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The Next Generation of GoGeo…Let’s Be Smart About It

On April 21, 2017, the City of Georgetown started a 3 year fixed route public transit pilot in partnership with Cap Metro & the Georgetown Health Foundation. The City decided on a traditional approach that created 4 fixed routes in selected parts of the City.

The residents in Georgetown really need an affordable and cost-effective public transit solution, but is the fixed route GoGeo approach the best solution moving forward?

Was the GoGeo Pilot successful or should we start thinking outside the box and find a Smart solution to our transit needs?

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